0 Critique 3 (fyp2)
Ok last week, i manage to bought some stuff for my platform installation. Well, its last minute since its not much that i need to buy. I got my A3 foam board (6pieces), a music notes stand, usb cable extension from shop.....then my own webcam, masking tape, audio speaker.

I'll upload my platform image later.....
Well, my presentation slot is at evening....i still 80% completing my content.
However, my attempt to test project from above fail since i didn't manage to complete yet and difficulties in projector to project from top.
On presentation i end up presented on screen. Feedback from lecturer, i got my content pixelated/jagged.......low quality,etc.....Damn! i forgot to check and wrong on doing importing it......stress right?hehe
So for problem solving i only manage to redo back the content and make it good quality again....yey!

Here is my content which already complete and solve:

0 Critique 2 (fyp2)
Several weeks before critique 2 being presented, I consulted with Mr. Hafiz for further information about the technical part for my project. So, what i had done is finding and downloading flipping book source since its my project concept. Then, progression of my work throughout the day would be completing the character and background visual design before embed inside flash. It's really taking time to do all the visual and animate them.
Below is the progress that i had made:
i had edit the actual story to shorten the text content. The storyboard will be follow as what had been edited.
I had completed my characters and background design in illustrator as the main tools for whole visualization.
animal (character)
background (10 pages include cover)
animated feature
After visualization done, all the vector will be embed inside flash and arrange according to the storyline. Besides that, a simple animation of text and other stuff will be organized well layer by layer in the timeline.
i consulted mr.hafiz about the coding which detect keyboard key triggered when you press A it will go to previous page and if press B it will go to the next page. Xml coding must be add according how many pages that i do and it must set to swf format as all work doing in flash will be save one by one in swf so that it would not disturb other pages on doing.

In order to set the content to flip book, i downloaded a free version flipping book. It would be like this:

Then inserting the file part, all working file and swf file should be save under one folder called pages inside the source folder. Open default program which recall the site for flip book and it would be like this:

Since i manage to complete one page, i had try to project it using projector on the wall......
But, seem i had more to do and time really limited for me.....as i focus more on visual and animate without thinking other interactivity that i can embed more.